The Department of Arts of Kaveri College organized an Interactive Session in Psychology on the 23rd of August 2024. The main objective of this event was to provide students with a depth of understanding of the scope in Psychology after their graduation. It was also intended to introduce them to Creative Arts Therapy and provide an experiential understanding. Ms. Poorva Joglekar, our alumni working as a Mental Health Professional and Creative Arts Therapist in the UK, was invited as the resource person.
In her session, Ms. Poorva Joglekar conducted an experiential activity wherein the students had to write what thoughts or feelings came up for them based on certain image posters provided in the class. She then proceeded to explain the field of Creative Arts Therapy.
Consequently, Ms. Shreya Ingalagi conducted an interview of Ms. Poorva Joglekar wherein they discussed her journey in the field in India as compared to UK, her experience in the UK, and provided tips to the students on how they can network more effectively and choose the right sub-field for themselves.
This interactive session got a highly positive response from participants, as they were able to ask personalized questions to the guest and get elaborate answers. This session added to their understanding of careers in psychology. The session was successful in achieving its objectives and helped students to understand psychology, its potential career options, and added to their pool of knowledge.