BA department organized the session Bhagvad Geeta – For You and Me, by Kaveri Kautilyas on 23 Nov 2024. The session began with the student host introducing the Kautilya Club, explaining when it was started, by whom, and its purpose. The session was divided into two parts: “Know Your Gurus” and “Bhagavad Gita.” The goal was to learn about key economists and explore the connection between the Bhagavad Gita and our daily lives.
In the “Know Your Gurus” section, the focus was on famous economists, starting with Chanakya and covering Mercantilism, Classical Economics, Neoclassical Economics, and ending with modern thinkers. This part aimed to help the audience understand the basics of economics.
The Bhagavad Gita section focused on “Karmayog,” with the host using examples from the Mahabharata to engage the audience. The discussion was lively, with many different perspectives shared, followed by a long Q&A session. The group brainstormed about the ideas and morals in the epic and how they apply to the modern world.
The discussion was open to everyone, with both students and teachers participating. The session ended with the host showing a picture of Draupadi Vastraharan, asking the audience to interpret it.