Kannada Sangha Pune’s Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized Cyber Warriors Training Session” jointly with Quick Heal Foundation Pune under “Cyber Shiksha for Cyber Suraksha on 15th July 2024. The Training session was conducted by Gayatri Pawar, Executive-CSR Quick Heal Foundation, and Mr. Dhananjay Jachak, Area Coordinator. The session aimed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge to enhance cyber security. The session was conducted to educate individuals on the importance of safeguarding digital information and staying vigilant against cyber threats. It included the training, covering various aspects of cyber threats, data protection and online security issues. During the session Dr.Ashok Agrawal, Executive Director Academics (Higher Education) and Dr. Muckta Karmarkar, Incharge Principal and Mrs. Sujata Bachhav were present.
The session included Presentation, Impact Activities, hands on experience in tackling cyber challenges. The event emphasized the importance of staying updated with cyber security trends and proactive measures to prevent cyber incidents. Such initiatives are crucial in today’s digital age, where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated. During The training program, the students were informed about various activities of cyber security, how to manage, spread and create public awareness about them. It is important to create awareness about cyber security from school students to adults in the society through various means and programs. Quick Heal foundation is committed to building a secure digital environment through continuous education and awareness efforts.
Cyber Warriors Club President Ms. Swara Kulkarni compeered and proposed vote of thanks.