Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Ganeshnagar, Pune
Permanently Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune |
Recognized Under 2( f) and 12 B of UGC Act, 1956
Minority Status (Linguistic)
Inter College Paper Presentation Competition in Commerce held at Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce
To inculcate research culture among students and to provide them an opportunity to make an effective presentation, an Inter-College Paper Presentation Competition was held atKaveri College on 9 January 2017. The Competition was inaugurated by Mrs. Suchismita Mohanty, Vice Principal who said that such competitions encourage original and novel thinking among students. She also said that these competitions promote research culture, enhance communication skills and build self confidence among students. Mrs. Deepa Sathe, Coordinator, Commerce, was also present on the occasion.
Students from various colleges of the city participated in the Competition. They wrote their research paper on subjects such as Cashless Economy: Future of India, Social Entrepreneurship: Opportunity and Challenges, E-Waste Management, Role of Media and Demonetization, GST : Need of the Hour etc. The participant students showed great acumen in their chosen subjects and put in lots of efforts in making their presentations. The team of Ms. Sai Khare and Ms. Samruddhi Pathare from Kaveri College won the First Prize while the team of Ms. Pallavi Sinha and Mr. Justin of Symbiosis College bagged the Second Prize. Judges for the Competition, Dr. Sunita Bhole and Dr. Anagha Ketkar encouraged students for their efforts in making presentations and also gave them inputs on originality of ideas, experimental procedure and analysis of data collected. Raj Jere from F.Y.B.A. and Blessy George from SY B.Com and Kavita Parmar from TYB.Com compered the program.