With each passing day the role of research has become even more important in today’s globalized world. Dr. S.B.Kharosekar, Principal Kaveri College emphasized on the need to inculcate ‘research culture’ among teachers and students of universities. He was speaking on the occasion of Avishkar Orientation program which was jointly organized by The Savitribai Phule Pune University and The Kaveri Research and Innovation Centre (KRIC) of Kannada Sangha Pune’s Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce. Avishkar, the brainchild of former Governor of Maharashtra S.M. Krishna is a novel research project competition is being implemented by the Univeristy. He said that Kaveri College is committed to build research culture in the college and urged students to participate in events like Avishkar.

Eminent speakers Dr. Ravindra Jaybhaye, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Dr. Prashanth Sathe Asso. Professor and Co-ordinator of Research Centre at BMCC, Pune were invited to give students guidance on how to enhance their abilities to present their work in an effective manner. Dr. Ravindra Jaybhaye said that Avishkar is the best platform for students of higher studies to showcase their original and innovative ideas. He said “every student has a researcher hidden in her/him,” and that students need not have to be extra ordinary in talent but they should be extraordinary in their efforts and views and vision. He informed that round 10,000 students participate in this competition every year.

Dr. Prashant Sathe, said that Avishkar is a prestigious platform and getting an opportunity to participate in it is a thing of pride. He urged students to do research on Mega city oriented issues such as traffic problems, water scarcity, air and water pollution etc. He also asked them to do research on why farmers today are in the age bracket of 35-40 years and why the younger generation is going away from farming. Dr. Sathe asked students to solve serious social issues which directly affect our society with the help of research in those areas.
Mrs. Suchismita Mohanty, Vice Principal, Dr. Jayashri Bangali, Coordinator B.Sc, and Head KRIC,were present on the occasion. The event was grand success under the guidance of Dr. Jayashri Bangali, and the support faculty and staff members.