As a part of social responsibility Kannada Sangha Pune’s Kaveri College of Arts, Science and Commerce successfully undertook a tree plantation drive on 28 July 2018 at Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), Pune. Total 82 NSS Volunteers took part in the plantation drive and planted more than 500 saplings in about a hectare of land in the vicinity. The drive was carried out under the valuable guidance of Dr. Ashok Agrawal, Principal, Kaveri College and able leadership of NSS Program Officer, Mr. Sachin Deokate.
Mr. Sachin Deokate informed the students about environmental conservation and made them aware about the adverse impact of Global Warming on humankind. Mr. Deokate insisted that environment conservation is the need of the hour and every citizen has a role to play to save the planet earth. Mr. Deepak Pawar, Range Forest Officer provided guidance to the students and taught them the proper methods to plant the saplings. Forest guards Mr. Mirgewar, Mr. Gaekwad, Mr. Shinde, Mr. Bhawari were also present on the occasion.
The staff members also took part in the plantation drive with great enthusiasm and informed the NSS volunteers about the benefits of trees and fostered environmental sensitivity in them. The volunteers performed some activities like digging of the pits, planting of the trees, and cleaning the area around the plants etc. They also collected the plastic and other waste material from the area and disposed these off.
Mr.Anand Buddhikot, Student Development Officer, Mr. Nilesh Nemade, Asst. Program Officer, staff Members, Ms. Shweta Bhagat and Ms. Ashwini Kale planted saplings and contributed towards the green drive.