Students’ Achievements
- The students of Kaveri Studio won first prize in Kuch Anokha Event at Drishti organized by Balaji Institute of Modern Management. The team comprised of Mr. Parth Avachat, T.Y.B.COM., Mr. Mohit Sardeshmukh, S.Y.B.COM., Mr. Samarjeet Patil, S.Y.B.COM., Ms. Shreya Ingalgi, SYBA, Ms. Radhika Rahalkar, FYBA, Mr. Vishwesh Majli, S.Y.B.COM.
- Samarjeet Patil , S.Y.B.COM. won first Prize in singing in Pune District for Sur Rising Star competition organized by Lokmat and Colors Viacom 18. He received a cash prize of Rs. 5000 and a certificate.
- The students of Kaveri Studio won first runner up position in folk dance competition at Dristi organized by Balaji Institute of Modern Management. The team comprised of Ms. Akshata Patil, F.Y.B.B.A., Parul Taank F.Y.B.COM., Sakshi Trivedi, F.Y.B.COM., Kavita Rathod, FYBA and Mansi Dhidi, F.Y.B.COM.
- The dramatics team was selected in the final round of CyFi One Act Play Competition organized by Quick Heal Technologies. Mr. Aashay Inamdar S.Y.B.B.A. CA won the third prize in the Best actor category. Ms. Chaitrali Kshirsagar FYBA won the first prize in the Best Actress category. The title of the play was ‘रोgue’
- Mr. Akash Kamble S.Y.B.COM. has acted in the Marathi film titled ‘ Dhappa’. The film is the recipient of the prestigious Nargis Dutt National award for Best Feature Film on National Integration. The film has been written by Girish Kulkarni and directed by Nipun Dharmadhikari. Akash also performed a stand up comedy for the famous Youtube Channel BhaDiPa. The act was appreciated by all.
- The One Act Play ‘रोgue’ won second prize in Raj Sanman Karandak a State Level One Act Play Competition organized by the youth Wing of Maharashtra Navanirman Sena. The team won a trophy and certificate. The members in the team were Shubham Patki S.Y.B.COM., Aashay Inamdar S.Y.B.B.A. (CA), Chaitrali Kshirsagar FYBA , Tanmay Pendharkar F.Y.B.Sc.(CS), Soham Jadhav FYBA, Kunal Vedpathak F.Y.B.B.A., Manali Sawant F.Y.B.COM., Yash Potnis F.Y.B.COM., Devendra Saraf F.Y.B.Sc.(CS), Krushnal Sonwalkar FYBA, Amit Nagarkar F.Y.B.COM., Rushabh Bondale S.Y.B.COM., Shreya Puranik F.Y.B.Sc.(CS).
- Ms. Pooja Kudale was crowned as Ms. Citadel in Mr and Ms. Citadel competition. She Also won Miss Body Perfect subtitle in the competition.
- Four of our students Mr. Aashay Inamdar from T.Y.B.B.A.(CA), Mr. Shubham Bari from T.Y.B.B.A., Mr. Eeshan Deodhar from F.Y.B.COM. and Ms. Shweta Tripathi from F.Y.B.B.A. (IB), were a part of the Live 1000 World Music Record event in Mumbai on 24th January 2020. The 1000 performers were able to set a Guinness Book World record for largest Indian Cinematic Music Band and our students were an integral part of the team.
- Siddhi Shinde F.Y.B.Sc. (CS) was a part of ‘Thailand International Folklore Festival 2020. She represented India and created awareness about Indian Mehendi Art.
- Mr. Kunal Vedpathak F.Y.B.B.A. won third Prize in Inter College Solo Dance Competition at Jallosh 2018-19 organized by Huzurpaga Mahila Vanijya Mahavidyalaya. He won a trophy and a certificate.
- The college dance team won second prize in Inter College Group Dance Competition at Jallosh 2018-19 organized by Huzurpaga Mahila Vanijya Mahavidyalaya. The team consisted of Kunal Vedpathak F.Y.B.B.A., Shefali Joshi TYBOM, Sudeshana More S.Y.B.COM., Shravani Vyas- F.Y.B.Sc.(CS) , Swarda Gaikwad F.Y.B.B.A., Mrudini Bhagwat F.Y.B.COM., Parul Taank S.Y.B.COM., Onkar Chorghe S.Y.B.Sc.(CS).
Years wise Achievements
Academic Year 2019-20
Academic Year 2018-19
Academic Year 2017-18
Academic Year 2016-17
Academic Year 2015-16